Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote > >>>>> "Pat" == Pat Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Pat> For me, Linux makes me think. For others, windows may make > Pat> them think. For still others, something else (not computer > Pat> related) may make them think. If linux makes you think, > Pat> good. If windows makes you think, good. If something else > Pat> makes you think, good. If nothing makes you think, then I you > Pat> truly have my sympathy. > For me, the problem with Windows is you have to think when thinking > should not be required. Take for instance, autoexec.bat. > I know a Windows computer, that whenever it starts, it flashes up > with the message "Bad command or filename" for a few seconds until > it goes away. However, it doesn't give the important information: > what command cannot be found? what line is it on? Not that I actually want to come to the defense of Winanything... Turn echoing on. > Perhaps Windows 2000 won't require autoexec.bat, I will believe it > when I see it. However, I encounter similar problems throughout > Windows (especially device drivers). Win hasn't required an autoexec.bat since '95. -- My other computer's running Debian. {}