Bob Paige wrote:

>> I'm a big Linux fan because of usability, extensibility, flexibility, 
>> and security issues.  I believe that the different mechanisms 
>> available with GNU software, especially the Debian GNU/Linux way, 
>> lends itself well to dealing with these issues.  But not even Debian 
>> can deal with systems that are improperly managed.  Apparently some 
>> people still don't take software maintenance seriously.  Self managed 
>> systems can help some, but it still takes involvement from people, and 
>> that will always be the bottom line as far as I am concerned.
>Being something of a newbie myself, can someone suggest a way to keep a 
>system up to date?
>I know through apt-get (or wajig) you can automatically download and 
>install the latest updates, but I would like to see a system that 
>automatically notifies you (via email?) when such an update results in 
>new packages being installed.

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To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Security
Subject: [SECURITY] [DSA 244-1] New noffle packages fix buffer overflows
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Schulze)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 16:26:08 +0100 (CET)

Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA 244-1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                             Martin
January 27th, 2003

Package        : noffle
Vulnerability  : buffer overflows
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id         : CAN-2003-0037

Dan Jacobson noticed a problem in noffle, an offline news server, that
leads to a segmentation fault.  It is not yet clear whether this
problem is exploitable.  However, if it is, a remote attacker could
trigger arbitrary code execution under the user that calls noffle,
probably news.

For the stable distribution (woody) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.0.1-1.1.

The old stable distribution (potato) does not contain a noffle

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.1.2-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your noffle package.

Upgrade Instructions


gt                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You have a RIGHT to your opinion---even if it is crap.

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