Hi. I'm running wiht packages from the newest update of Slink off the ftp.cs.unm.edu/mirrors/debian Debian2.1r5 site, with kernel "2.2.14 #4 SMP Sun Feb 6 12:02:09 EST 2000 i686"
I've been getting hard lockups lately, and want to know how to track them down. I've looked in all my logs (immediately after reboot), but can't seem to find anything important, or telling. Is someone taking me down, or is something going wrong internally? How can I find out? From what I can tell, the last two have been about a half an hour after the morning cron job (6:25am) tidies the system up. The last thing in the syslog last time was a mail related line. This time, there wasn't anything. In the past I've locked linux up a couple times (I've been using for almost two years), but within the past couple months, it's been too frequent for comfort. This last one (an hour ago) was the second in three days. The one before that was a week or two earlier, and the one before that a month, or so. I like linux's stability. It's one huge reason I use it. I love Debian, and don't think its at fault, but I'm getting irritated with the instability, and want to get to the root of the problem, so to speak. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please cc: me replies, as I don't subscribe to the list. Thank you. chris horn. ----- 26-Apr-00 - 08:28:53