Hello! I've just installed potato, re-compiled the kernel, and now (some of) my modules will not auto-load. I can load them with modprobe and/or insmod. I have to load the driver for my Initio SCSI card, SB AWE32 sound card and RTL8019-based NIC by hand. The question is: why? And of course: how do I correct the situation? Also: how (and where) do I supply module parameters for auto-loading? To load my NIC driver, I have to issue insmod ne io=0x340 irq=10 -- where do I put this info so I don't need to supply it every time? I use kmod, not kerneld. In /etc/modutils/aliases, I inserted the following for the sound card: --- # SB AWE alias midi awe_wave post-install awe_wave /usr/bin/sfxload /usr/synthfm.sbk options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330 alias sound sb ---
Is this okay? Another question: I used pppconfig to set up my dialup Internet connection. I supplied the IP address of the ISP's name server, which was properly placed in /etc/resolv.conf. nslookup works okay, but nothing else: ping and browsers cannot resolve names. Everything works when IP addresses are given instead of names. (I'll download the how-to documents today, promise. :-) TIA, Kofa Homepage at http://www.math.bme.hu/~kofa - For PGP public key: send mail with the subject PGP Public Key Request or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]