Sounds to me like the infamous Netscape wrapper hit. If you get into something similar, run TOP and also look at CPU percentage. When netscape decides to get antsy, it will start trying to grab all your CPU cycles so CPU and load should be hittign the roof. As to the Kills not freeing memory...umm...I think thats the way it's supposed to happen, you killed the process, but the memory space stays allocated until another application makes a memory request in case you want to look at what you've killed or another user restarts the application
I'm no expert, but I think thats whats supposed to happen Andrew On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, Vitux wrote: > Hi debs. > I get this weird behaviour: > boot, xdm, login as me. In xterm: pon and run netscape to > check on the mail. > switch to vt1, login as root, to do some maintenance. I move > some stuff around, clean up a bit. > All this takes maybe an hour. Now, when I switch back to vt7, > I notice things are slightly slower than usual and there's a > little disk activity. Suspicious me (the box hardly ever > starts swapping w/ 128 Mb), switch back to vt1, run top, and > almost all the memory is being used by something. I can't tell > what, the ram-use for the various processes don't give me much > hint. > I know there's a memory-leak in netscape, so I turn off > netscape. Frees about 4 Mb. Restart fvwm: frees up a tiny bit. > Ctrl-alt-bckspc on X: frees tiny bit. Still a ram-use of above > 115 Mb!?. When fresh-booted, this system only uses ~35Mb... > Two questions: > 1: What's going on? > 2: I don't want to reboot to free the ram, and I don't feel > like spending money on even more ram. How do I fix this > strange condition? > The box is a Compaq PII350/128MbRAM, running Slink with 2.2.14 > kernel (no fancy stuff in kernel except for apm). 65 Mb swap. > Sorry for this long post, I'm only trying to be specific ;-) > Best Regards > Vitux > > -- > Death comes to us in various guises, > swiftly changing as a baby's mood... > > > Debian GNU/Linux > Micro$loth-free Zone > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null