An ISP saw a post of mine on the website and asked me what
they could do to make their service better.  I replied that one thing
they could do is switch to Linux or FreeBSD or some other UNIX (they
are using NT).  Their reply to me was that the problem with Linux
servers is the security holes.

They must have swallowed Microsoft's propaganda hook, line, and
sinker, finally telling me they are "NT professionals" and that they
know little about Linux. 

The tech support guy told me they might eventually get into Linux,
but there is much to learn.

I am still a newbie, but I wonder what I could do to get them to
really look into changing to Linux or other UNIX.  Anyone have any
good websites where ISP's can compare Linux and NT?

Actually, they goofed when they asked for my opinion, because I was
replying to another person's post, and it was that person who could
not use their DNS service.  All I did was direct that person to
another ISP which could do what they needed done.



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