On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 03:27:10PM -0700, Bob George wrote: > "Brooks R. Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > If you want an inexpensive domain name, go to http://www.nic.cx for .cx > > (Christmas Island) domains. They will do mail forwarding and web site > > redirection. (This is not intended as an advertisement, please don't bill > me > > $1999). > > You can also set up sub-domains under either dhs.org (www.dhs.org) or > fdns.net (www.fdns.net) for free.
Those two are ok for those with mostly static ip addresses. For those of us with less staticity, here's a list of free dynamic host providers: www.ods.org www.ddts.org (they're in the process of changing names, formerly dhis) www.myip.org www.dhs.org (the dyndns service) www.yi.org www.dyns.cx (i think they're recovering from a cracking attempt...) www.eyep.net www.dyndns.org www.dynodns.net www.dtdns.net (haven't looked much at this one, asks an insane amount of info on signup) There's probably more. Some offer subdomains under multiple names. Most services have a web form you can use to update your hostname when your ip address changes, and almost all provide some sort of client program. i'm (slowly) working on an update daemon that will handle all those listed above in one program (except ddts, but it will give the ddtcd a kick in the pants if necessary). One of these days i hope to post it to sourceforge... i want to finish some semblance of documentation and packaging first. That and make sure it won't destroy anything. -- finger for GPG public key.
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