im about ready to deploy my new server but i have a question about quotas. all of my users sit on /users a seperate partition(2 9gig drives in raid1)
many of the users show identical disk/file usage for both the root filesystem and /users i was wondering, what could be causing this? i am sure they are not using it, but don't know what could make the system think they are. example: Disk quotas for user <some user> (uid 1022): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/sda2 4048 25600 35840 235 1280 2560 /dev/md0 4048 25600 35840 235 1280 2560 i am using webmin .79 to do the quota stuff. running debian 2.1r5(? if its out, if not its r4) on a self made linux 2.2.14 SMP+ow2 kernel ( any tips are appreciated. nate ----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-- Vice President Network Operations Firetrail Internet Services Limited Everett, WA 425-348-7336 Powered By: Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP -----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-- 10:13pm up 14 days, 3:52, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.03, 0.00