On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 07:17:47AM -0400, Brendan Cully wrote:
> either your MTA calls it to do local mail delivery after fetchmail
> hands off its messages to it, or fetchmail can run it directly with,
> IIRC, the mda option. I think debian may use procmail automatically
> for at least some MTAs, so you could try just creating a .procmailrc
> to see if it works. Otherwise you can use a .forward which pushes
> things through procmail...

I just got all this going so it is fresh in my mind.

Install exim for an mta
Install procmail
Install fetchmail
Install mutt

fetchmail gets mail, hands it to exim.
exim checks for a ~/.procmailrc file and if it exists, hands mail to procmail
procmail sorts mail into mboxs in ~/Mail

It was painless and quick to set up.


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