On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Kent West wrote:  
> 2. Would the list members please stop ragging on newbies just because
> the newbie expresses some frustration at not knowing how to accomplish
> something? It's not that

I think saying "this is difficult" is not enough; it doesn't provide new
information (which would be useful for the software developers). IMHO, it
would have been better by saying: dselect is disgusting to use, very user
unfriendly, doesn't show any elegant design, and makes my dog yawning by
looking at it. But of course, it has to be followed up with explanations
of the things that could be improved, or at least with something that the
complainer would like to have or see. 

ps: Sure, then the developers would simply say: if you don't like it,
then feel free to write a new one by yourself.

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