Hello Hunter,

On 06-Apr-00, you wrote:

HHM> I'm considering a new computer. I was considering 2, but maybe I'll
HHM> turn my 100MHZ pentium into a dedicated browser for family needs.
HHM> ANYhoo, does anyone have good/bad experiences with any of the linux
HHM> hardware vedors, VALinux, etc? Are the newest machines from
HHM> Gateway, Dell, etc presenting any hardware compatibility issues?
HHM> Strong opinions between regular PC sellers vs. the linux harwdare
HHM> sellers?
HHM> This is to run Debian, and maybe win9x.
HHM> Thanks
HHM>     hunter

If you're only going to run Debian on it I'd suggest building your own
from components.  It's not at all difficult, you can ensure h/w
compatability and it should save you some ca$h.  Hardware upgrades
become a more cost-effective solution and if you keep your old
components after you've upgraded them i.e. HD's, Vid cards etc. hang
onto them (as they'll be pretty worthle$$) for trouble-shooting:  not
only can the old h/w get you (or a friend) going again, until a
replacement arrives, but swapping the components will prove that it is
'that' component that has failed.

If you also want to run M$ though you'd also have to figure the worth of
any s/w bundle.

Oh, nearly forgot, and the cost of the O$ too ;-)))




...or something.

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