>>>>> "Phil" == Phil Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Phil> Here's the command I'm using now:

    Phil> rsync --block-size=8192 --verbose --stats --recursive
    Phil> --compress --links --perms --times --timeout 300 --delete
    Phil> --delete-excluded --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/main/binary-all/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/main/binary-sparc/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/main/source/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/contrib/binary-all/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/contrib/binary-sparc/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/contrib/source/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/non-free/binary-all/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/non-free/binary-sparc/**' --include
    Phil> '/dists/potato/non-free/source/**' --exclude '/**'
    Phil> 'download.sourceforge.net::debian/.'
    Phil> 'data/download.sourceforge.net'

    Phil> As seen from the list, I'm trying to include every file that
    Phil> matches the includes, and exclude whatever gets by all of
    Phil> them unmatched.  It's as if rsync isn't doing the sequential
    Phil> match test like the docs say it does.

I am afraid I really can't help you with your problem, but this
is what I would do:

1. That is a very long command line. I think it would simplify it a
lot if you could use --exclude-from=FILE and --include-from=FILE (not
tested). A simpler command line is easier to debug...

2. Try to test very simple commands on a smaller filesystem, perhaps
even on the same system. eg

rsync ... /tmp/mytest /tmp/out --include /tmp/mytest/a \
      --exclude '/tmp/mytest/**'

(not tested, I don't often use rsync, so beware!)

3. look at other programs that use rsync, eg apt-move. From memory,
apt-move uses rsync in a similar way.


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