> a).
> This has to have been asked a million times, but I can't find anything in 
> the archives related to this topic: What packages do I need to fetch to be 
> able to compile most software (i.e. Apache, X apps, etc.)?

Can we *please* get a serious answer to this question? I've tried to find it
numerous times without any luck and it's ridiculous. The beauty of Debian
is that you can install a clean, unbloated system that's easy to maintain.
However, one thing that's always been keeping me down is compiling programs.
Packaged versions easily set up all the packages you need for that, but if
you're installing a base system, then how are you supposed to get it to
compile programs properly? How about a list of *all* the packages that are
installed when you enable the C development/compiling environment (or whatever
it's called) in a packaged (i.e. store bought bundle) version of Debian or any
other flavor of Linux? And please don't give me ridiculous answers like 
the packages the app requires". I'm talking about having all the packages needed
so that it'll be a sure bet that most, if not all, of the times that I try to 
compile a
program (*any* program), it'll work. Don't people on this list compile 

> All of a sudden, su has starting to behave very strange.
> When I login with my normal user account then try to su to root, I get:
> % su
> su: Authentication failure
> Sorry
> %
Hmm, I always used 'su root' to su into root.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive  http://www.gigabee.com
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