normally, you would have main web server and then virtual web servers. Here is what it looks like in the httpd.conf
#setup main web server
DocumentRoot /www/mainweb
#then set up virtual web server (e.g. IP based)
<Virtualhost 111.222.333.444>
DocumentRoot /www/virtualweb1
#if you want, the second virtual web server
<Virtualhost 111.222.333.555>
DocumentRoot /www/virtualweb2
So the answer is obvious.
inal Message-----
From: Dzuy M. Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian User Mailing List <>
Date: Monday, March 27, 2000 2:32 PM
Subject: Apache virtual hosting

If I figure my apache web server to allow virtual hosts,
does the 'DocumentRoot' directive in the main server
configuration area of httpd.conf get ignored?
By setting up the virtual hosts, do all my domains
have to be listed in:
<VirtualHost ip>
And is this now the default directives the all the

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