Sounds like you need to add some lines to the .xinitrc file in your home
directory.  If it's not there, create one.  A good start would be
something like this:

xterm &
<window manager>

Of course, substitute whatever window manager you want to use (e.g.
sawmill, enlightenment, fvwm2, etc.)  If you want gnome, use something
like this:

xterm &
<window manager> &
panel &

This assumes you've already installed things like xterm, gnome-panel,
gnome-core, gnome-session, and other gnome goodies.  Good luck!

> Lee wrote:
> When I try to 'startx' my X program will start, however it gets to a
> grey screen and has a cross in the middle of it, and it pauses, ive
> tryed various setups in xf86config. and nothing seems to work..
> I use a nVidia TNT2 Riva 32meg AGP, something along the lines of
> that..
> Also I use a USB mouse, does linux support that?
> Any help will be appreciated..


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

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