Does anyone know of an FTPD for debian that supports limiting
upstream/downstream bandwidth on either a system wide or
(preferred) user/group basis?  I am currently using a cable modem
with a very high downstream rate, but an upstream rate limited to 
128k, so if I have several users logged in download at 5k/sec, it
seriously limits my downstream speed because the return packets
cannot go as fast as the downstream would like them to.  Most of my
users download overnight, so if I limited them to 3k/sec, and most of
the time I have at most 2 ppl downloading at the same time, that would
still leave me with upstream bandwidth to play with.  Any suggestions
would be helpful.



Version: 3.12
GAT d- s:++ a C++++ UL++++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N++ o-- K- w 
O- M-- V-- PS+ PE Y++ PGP 5++ X++ R* tv+ b+ DI++ D++ 
G e h--- r+++ y+++ 

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