On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Eric House wrote:
> I couple of weeks ago I was trying to teach lilo about my >8 gig disk > via some parameter added to the lilo.conf file. I no longer remember > what I did, and have long since removed it. But now lilo will not > run. It boots the machine fine, and the machine works great; but I > can't change my kernel or make any other change that requires running > lilo. > > Running lilo gives me this error message: > > Warning: device 0x0302 exceeds 1024 cylinder limit > geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (4464 > 1023) > > Can anyone tell me how to fix this? I'm not concerned about accessing the > >8 part of the disk, but only with being able to run lilo again. > > Thanks! > > --Eric House > > ****************************************************************************** > * From the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED] > * > * Check out Crosswords for PalmOS: <http://www.peak.org/~fixin/xwords> * > * "The instructions said 'Win98 or better' -- so I installed Linux" * > ****************************************************************************** > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > If you don't exceed 1024 cylinders in your ext2 partition you don't have problem, I think you must try in lilo.conf something regartds to "linear" but I'm not sure of it (when I installed Debian 2.1 i made an ext2 partition in the first 1024 cylinders). One question: Your bios support EIDE with more than 1024 cylinders? Remember to install lilo on /dev/hda and not in /dev/hda1 or something like. Goodmorning, Beppe