This assumes a spare bay and/or connector. And a rescue and/or boot disk. Install the new hard drive. Partition it as desired. If you're happy with your current partitioning scheme, use that, if not modify it in the direction you wish you'd done it initially. Partitioning is a religious topic. I generally prefer seperating /, /tmp, /var, /usr, /home, and /usr/local.
Check for bad blocks. Use the write test. It will be more difficult to do this later. Create new filesystems. Mount each to some temporary mount point. Copy the intended contents to the new partition. It's generally useful to have your system in single-user mode at this point, with most partitions mounted read-only. As you copy contents from the old partition to new, you can umount the old partition, edit your /etc/fstab file to reflect the change, and issue mount /new/mountpoint mount the new partition. You won't be able to remount your root partition on an active system, a shutdown is necessary. I'm not sure you can update the LILO information properly -- if you're going to be reconfiguring your SCSI IDs, you may need to re-run LILO following final drive configuration. Give it a shot, edit /etc/lilo.conf to indicate your new (as of next boot) drive configuration. Confirm you've got everything from your old drive to the new one. Shut down the system. Disconnect the old drive. Boot your system. If it works, congrats. You can now shut down, remove your old harddrive, and use it in target practice. If the system doesn't boot correctly, with messages indicating inability to find the root FS or init, boot your rescue disk, and modify your LILO conf appropriately. If that doesn't work, write back from your *other* working system :-) On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:09:45AM -0800, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote: > My hard drive is starting to make noise, so I bought a replacement. What > is the recommended way to make the switch? All my Linux partitions are > on this disk except the swap partition. My Win95 OS is on a separate drive. > This is a SCSI disk running 2.0.35 if that makes any difference. > > Regards, > > Jerry > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Certus Consulting Group | Specializing in Integrated Circuit > Antioch, CA 94509 | Design and Verification, Logic > (925)757-0685 (925)777-1964 (fax) | Synthesis, Fault Grading, Test > <> | Development and Project Management > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > -- Karsten M. Self ( What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Scope out Scoop: Nothin' rusty about Kuro5hin: