Well, I did not really experience exactly the same thing, but I have well
tested that StarCalc has some bugs when managing memory. The more time you
work with it, the more it grows in memory. A lot to do with the UNDO
routines, I'm afraid.

So... you can *try reducing* the number of steps you want to be able to
undo to one or two, if possible. (For me, 5 was working reasonably well, 8
is far too much). Anyway, it all depends on your sheet.

Just a question: Does it last the same time the first time it recalculates
than the nth time? (For me, it was getting worse the more I worked.
Closing StarOffice and reopening 'solved' it, but closing the document
was not enough.) 

You can observe this behaviour by launching top and observing the sizes.

I tried to send a message to Sun, but I did not manage to find the right
address to do so.

Also, StarImpress has another bug, concerning animation of texts: If you
try to move more than one text object on the same slide, it hangs when
showing the slide in presentation mode, even though preview was fine.

Good little remarkable point for StarImpress: It supports animated GIFs,
which are not supported by... you know who.

        Antonio Fiol

> I was wondering if anyone out there has had the same problem I have with 
> StarCalc.  In my work I routinely do data analysis on hundreds of thousands 
> of data points.  Normally, I use Excel on Win98 to do this but recently I 
> grew frustrated with Windows with all its bugs and crashes and reboots on a 
> daily basis.  I decided to try using Linux based on it's reputation for 
> stability and installed Corel and then subsequently Debian as a separate 
> partition in the same box.  When I try to run one of the standard data 
> analysis routines I use with Excel/Win98 it takes literally seconds to draw a 
> graph.  If I try to do the same thing with StarCalc the cpu grinds away for 
> minutes at nearly 100% usage and eventually the job crashes the system 
> altogether.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  

> The box is a 400MHz Pentium II, 64MB RAM, 1GB Linux partition....

> Brendan

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