Tim Ryder wrote:
Does anyone have any info on getting the sony cd51 pcmcia cd player to work
with debian it installs itself at ide2=0x180,0x386
I am using the sony vaio n505ve

I myself am having a bit of trouble getting the CD-ROM to work on a 505VE.
The problem I have is hdc lost interrupt (I install mine on ide1=0x180,0x386).
I can get the machine to cooperate a bit better by turning off PnP and turning 
off the
secondary ide controller in BIOS (F2 at sony screen). However, as soon as I 
attempt a
mount command I again get hdc lost interrupt. My PCMCIA modem card works fine 
(The modem part anyway, I've yet to try it connected to a network - DLink 
560TX). I'm
running SuSE 6.3 until I can find a way around the problem (I also have the 
with SuSE - although it is hde like yours - but at least with SuSE I can install
enough packages to have a functional computer before it craps out).

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