The most recommended ISP was as shown below

FreeWWWeb ( claims you need Windows or MacOS,
but they use a straightforward PPP connection.  I set my account up with
about ten minutes of perusing the kppp scripting literature.  The only
caveat is freewwweb requires you enter after the user
name which is non-intuitive and had me banging my head up against the
wall for a while.

I get decent connection speeds here in Cincy, Ohio, USA.

The only other complaint I have about freewwweb is that they changed the
name of their mail server without notifying anyone, which was an
inconvenience for a couple of days until I read their updated tech spec


Percival wrote:

> I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking about a 
> free web access deal.  Some company who pays for free internet access by 
> putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to load it as 
> their start page.  It worked with linux, which was the prime factor.
> I lost those messages, and I need to find this service again (I also lost the 
> bookmark).  Anyway, if anyone's got the info out there, please e-mail me.
> Thanks,
> -Percival
> --
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