On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 11:21:00AM +0000, José Luis Gómez Dans wrote: > Hi! > As you can see from this message, I keep on having "undesired" > features when using gnupg in conjuctions with Mutt: the output of gnupg > is attached to the e-mail. I have noticed that some other people suffer > from the same problem when signing their messages with gnupg. The > software versions are: > gnupg v 1.0.1 > mutt: v 1.0.1i (compiled with +USE_GPG among other things)
what do you mean attachments? you messages verify/view fine in mutt. or do you mean broken M$ mailers? GnuPG+mutt send signed/crypted mail in RFC2015 or PGP/MIME, MS and Eudora in all there wisdom ignore this standard and cause PGP/MIME mail to show up as an attachment (the exact same thing would occur if they ignored other forms of MIME), this has nothing to do with crypto laws and everything to do with stupidity, mutt can read PGP/MIME signed messages JUST FINE without any PGP/GnuPG installed at all! all these proprietary software developers need to do is teach there mailers to display the message contents and simply ignore the GPG signature if they don't have a plugin or something to verify it with. now enough soapbox, to your question, mutt will not sign mail in any other form then PGP/MIME, this is probably because inline signatures are really quite fragile, and PGP/MIME is a much superior way to do things. all we need is to convince our friends to stop using such braindamaged software to read there mail, or convince developers of the braindamaged software to fix it so it can read simple MIME messages. if you want to inconvenience yourself rather then the users of broken mailers you can add this macro to ~/.muttrc ## non mime macro for broken clients macro compose \CP "Fgpg --clearsign\ny" in case you don't speak mutt that means control p will cause your message to be clearsigned in inline format that broken mailers will be able to read. this however is manual and you cannot use the PGP: Sign function of mutt, nor can you have mutt remember your passphrase. so far i have not turned on autosign but i think I will and then tell anyone who complains about it to tell the developer of there broken client to fix it <evil grin> > The relevant bit of .muttrc for gpg goes as follows: > <------------------ snip snip snip -----------------------------------> > unset pgp_autosign > set pgp_default_version=gpg > set pgp_key_version=default > set pgp_receive_version=default > set pgp_send_version=default > set pgp_sign_micalg=pgp-sha1 > set pgp_gpg=/usr/local/bin/gpg > <------------------ snip snip snip -----------------------------------> looks good. > Another question in the mutt front: if I use procmail to send my > messages to folders according to some rule, how can I read them > automatically? Let me explain myself: when a message from debian-user > comes, procmail puts it into IN.debian-user. When I fire mutt up, I get > whatever is in my /var/mail/$USERNAME (or whichever file exim puts the > mail into), but I am not told that new mail has arrived in the debian > folder. Is there a way to read the stuff on the incoming mailbox, and > then have mutt change to the folders that have received mail? I gather > that the mailboxes option might do it, but I can't figure out how. why yes, add something like this to your ~/.muttrc mailboxes ! =in-bugtraq =in-debian-devel =in-debian-user =in-debian-powerpc \ =in-debian-security then when you press `c' in mutt it will prompt by default to switch to the next mailbox with new mail, also when new mail appears in one of the mentioned mailboxes mutt will display at the bottom `new main in blah' -- Ethan Benson http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/
Description: PGP signature