Well, I just got a PR from Novell today regarding eDirectory
on Linux. I imagine it'll be posted to www.novell.com today as well. It's
long so I didnt post, but I can if folks are interested.


On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Brian Schramm wrote:

> OK I like Debian.  So I have been enjoying Strom Linux because of it's
> use of Debian.  I know that I could go to Caldera and get what I want
> but I want to use a distribution that I am familur with.
> Does anyone know of a way to be a client on a NDS tree with Storm Linux
> or Debian?  I remember Novel stating last year that they were going to
> support Linux.  You cannot tell me it takes a year to make a client for
> Linux when there is one allready out there that only works on one Linux!
> So has anyone had any luck at doing this?
> Thanks for your help.
> -- 
> Brian Schramm
> www.linuxexpert.org
> -- 
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