And your mount point isn't visible, although you can cd to it?  I've had
the same thing happen (although not lately). 

What I do is:

/etc/init.d/samba stop


/etc/init.d/samba start

then it works as advertised.


Vicente Torres wrote:
> I use smbmount-2.1.x to access Windows NT file systems
> from other computers in the net.
> Sometimes the connection gets lost and I get the following message when
> I
> try to list those directories:
> bash-2.02$ ls /net/XXX
> ls: /net/XXX: Input/output error
> bash-2.02$
> If I try to mount again the net directories, smbmount-2.1.x says:
> Could not resolve mount point
> and the only solution I know is to restart my potato. After restart
> the connections are available again.
> How can I restore connections without restarting?
> --
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