>>>>> "Bob" == Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >>  I know.  But then, there is no "standard" anyway, so that can't be
    >> said to be "required".  For me as long as my tools happily read them
    >> it's okay.

    Bob> Perhaps no standard.  But if you don't escape them somehow then the
    Bob> message is broken up into two messages at the non-escaped From
    Bob> line.  The second message won't have proper headers as it is just
    Bob> the body of the first message.  Ouch.

I mean, Content-Length can be added to avoid having to escape the "From "
line, and I won't be unhappy about it.

    Bob> IIRC in the www.mutt.org docs there are references to that.  Also
    Bob> more references as to why you should not do that.
    >>  Thanks, although I can't find it.

    Bob> Negative.  Why do you insist that mail will be stored first in a
    Bob> berkeley mbox file and then split?  Don't do that.

Basically, because I'm so ignorant about the capability of procmail to
generate maildir files, and about the capability of Emacs to process them.
I will go for that route.  Thanks!


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