I'm trying to set up my AWE 64 sound card without success. I read RTFM
but I'm unable to setup my card.
I do the followings:

1. Downloading and installig the latest Awe-drv ( as I see it got into the
kernel tree )

2. Building the kernel based upon suggestions mentioned in the kernel
sound-doc. Just I've the following modules in the memory. Just I load
this modules by hand

Module                  Size  Used by
awe_wave              155560   0  (unused)
sb                     32188   0 
uart401                 5644   0  [sb]
sound                  55632   0  [awe_wave sb uart401]
soundlow                 208   0  [sound]
soundcore               2260   5  [sb sound]
vfat                    9036   3  (autoclean)
fat                    29212   3  (autoclean) [vfat]

3. Setting up isapnp( based on settings that are in my windows box ).
It seems good. I've a log-file about it.

4. I've found in the ALSA source a 'snddevices' script. I call them it creates
the desired sound devices.

5. I've compiled and installed the Awe-midi, awe-sfx packages from original 

After this steps I run the program called 'aweset' to set my card:
'aweset newvolume on'. (as root)

I got the following error messages( with drvmidi also ):
'/dev/sequencer: Device not configured'

crw-rw----   1 root     audio     14,   1 MÁR  5 19:54 /dev/sequencer

Thanks for any help

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