On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 09:41:00PM +0000, john smith wrote:
> hi,
>   before I used gnome I was using icewm and in the system menu I could 
> choose whatever window-manager I like from fvwm,icewm,sawmill, etc now when 
> I installed gnome, I had to edit my Xsession file to include one window 
> manager or else there would be none. I was wondering if I could somehow get 
> the window-manager choices again thru gnome.
While this doesn't seem to be well documented, in /etc/gnome there are
two files default.session and default.wm.

My default.wm had

gnome-wm doesn't have a man page, but here it was launching
enlightenment. And 'gnome-wm --help' gives this:

enlightenment options:                      
        -theme /path/to/theme                     
        -econfdir /path/to/.enlightenment/conf/dir
        [-smid | -clientId | --sm-client-id] id   
        -smfile file                              
        -ext_init_win window_id                   
        [-v | -version | --version]               
        -display display_name
(so I guess it's an enlightenment thingy)

Changing "WM=gnome-wm" to "WM=icewm-gnome" had no effect. However, going
into /etc/gnome/default.session and changing a similar line there:

2,RestartCommand=gnome-wm -clientId default2


2,RestartCommand=icewm-gnome -clientId default2

did make icewm-gnome the default window-manager for a new user with
"exec gnome-session" as the only line in ~/.xsession.

As for the choice of window managers, there's a directory
/usr/share/gnome/wm-properties that contains some defaults for various
window managers. However, I have several listed there that no longer
exist on my system. So, I'm not sure if the gnome-control-center checks
this directory and then removes entries from it's list that it can't
find.  Somehow, I think that's not the case, but there's a listing
somewhere else.  When I recently installed enlightment, again, it
automatically showed up in the control-panel -- so it's gotta be

Hope this wasn't too long-winded :)

| Eric G. Miller                        egm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

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