Hi, What the world needs is a text editor which has the following:
1. Designed from the start to run under X, preferably using gnome widgets. 2. Designed to be somewhat compatible with emacs --- where this doesn't impinge on utility. 3. Designed to be quick to start. It should do this by only loading in extra functionality when needed (at run time). Does anyone know whether A) this editor already exists, or B) there are people working on it? Please email any responses to me directly as I am currently not subscribed to the list. In particular I am looking for an emacs replacement for email composition. I use emacs in conjunction with exmh which is quite nice in terms of editing power. In particular I like the way it can reformat paragraphs, and even does this reformatting correctly when the paragraph is indented using ">" characters or whatever. The main problem is that it takes forever to load, even when you only want to write a simple email. Can anyone recommend a replacement? Cheers, Mark. _/~~~~~~~~\___/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________ ____/~~\_____/~~\__/~~\__________________________Mark_Phillips____________ ____/~~\_____/[EMAIL PROTECTED] ____/~~\HE___/~~\__/~~\APTAIN_____________________________________________ ____/~~\______/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!"