* Andy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030126 10:39]:
> > > I am running a server using woody with Exim as MTA and am having
> > > troubles getting mailman to function.  The web interface works and
> > snip
> > > What else is needed or is something broken here?
> >
> > When I had problems getting Mailman to go on Debian, I ended up
> > switching from Exim to Qmail, after which things went beautifully. I
> > never did solve the Exim problems, and both the Exim>Qmail upgrade and
> > the Mailman setup went quickly.
> Can anyone else comment about Mailman working with an Exim MTA?
> I am about to install a Debian system for a customer to act as a file/print 
> server but also to run Mailman to blast out newsletters to a mailing list of 
> over 5,000 people.  Does it matter which I use.......Exim or Qmail?

I don't have data as to which MTA will perform better handling large or
high-volume mailing lists, but I haven't had any problems using mailman
with exim.  Setup was straightforward, and it has been stable and
solid.  Debian's mailman package is easy to tie right in to exim and
apache (for the CGIs and archives).  Of course, as soon as I write that,
I realize that it's not particular to the Debian package: mailman
installations on other systems have worked very smoothly for me as well.

good times,
One nation, indivisible, with equality, liberty, and justice for all.

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