Perhaps either xfs-xtt of mkttfdir expect font files to have a lowercase
file extention.  Remeber .MP3 is different than .mp3, and .JPG is different
than .jpg, so it's not hard to imagine that this could be your problem.


> there is mkttfdir in fttools package.  
>> Another question: Once I create fonts.dir, are there any other steps
>> to configure the font server to use the ttf fonts?
> i wnat to know this too, i installed xfs-xtt and used the above tool
> on a couple fonts i got from MS' gratis fonts page, and they showed up
> and were usable in netscape.  but these were not enough fonts so i
> nabbed all the fonts from NT 4 and used the same utility which
> generated the fonts.dir file just fine it looks like, but now none of
> them are available for use in X, only the original X bitmapped fonts
> i cannot find any difference, except that this time i did not fix all
> the ugly MSDOS 8.3 filenames to lowercase but i don't see how that
> would matter. (its amazing even with a somewhat advanced filesystem
> like NTFS that you still end up with fscking 8.3 filenames when you
> archive files...) 
> -- 
> Ethan Benson
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