On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Brian wrote:

brianj >I'm guessing I either already have them and did something wrong, or 
brianj >because I have a bar bones system and they usually get installed as a 
brianj >'depends' with something larger.

i am using the staticalluy linked i386 version on most of my slink
machines, i ran a ldd on it and sure enough it was static :) so looks like
all you'd need is the right libc, which if your using something other then
i686 (e.g k6 k6-2 k6-3 athlon pentMMX etc..) the libc5 libs and everything
they depend on (package libc5).  if your running i686 (ppro, p2 p3
etc) you would need glibc2.1(potato)..

that should be it, since its static everything else (library
wise) *should* be included in the binary itself.


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