>  I am using potato and I have the following problem.
>  I just installed acroread from potato ( non-free ) version
>  4 and tried to read a pdf file using netscape. Netscape
>  crashes with:
>  Bus Error  LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libBRokenLocale.so.1 $netscape "$@"
>  I had this problem with acrobat version 3 as well.
>  This is a problem with netscape clearly since acroread works Ok
>  on its own. Netscape on its own is also OK, ( I have netscape -base
>  4.5 installed ) and I believe the netscape version is 4.51
>  Wherein lies the problem?

I had a similar problem when I used netscape 4.5. 
A way around it might be to only let netscape download but not display pdf 
files. There should be such an option when choosing a link with the mouse menu.
I am currently using 4.7 and the problem gone. This version has the line
        Portable Document Format        Plug in : nppdf.so
in the Edit->Navigator->Applications table.
Perhaps inserting/deleting/modifying this line on your system will solve the 

>  Thanks.
>  Sebastian Canagaratna
>  Department of Chemistry
>  Ohio Northern University
>  Ada, OH 45810
> -- 
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        An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

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