[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson) wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad) wrote:
>>There are probably also other windows cursor viewers floating around
>>that may be less complex and depend less on the registry, and so have a
>>better shot at wining... Good luck!
>freshmeat has a package called icoutils, I see, though it unfortunately
>doesn't support *.ani (it knows about *.ico and *.cur). I'm working on
>packaging it at the moment, though IANA developer (yet) so perhaps a
>sponsor would turn out to be useful in the near future ...


(Though probably not apt-gettable, due mainly to laziness. :P I'm not
that experienced at packaging, so please let me know if there are any
gratuitous errors!)

>>> >P.S.: Please CC me on replies.

Colin Watson                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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