Hi All, To manage the giant amount of mail from different mailgroups I had to install the procmail in my office debian box. The procmail is run by my .forward file and splits the incoming mail into few folders, located in my ~/Mail directory. However I'd like to be able to transfer some folders to my home debian box. Reading the documentation I've stated that I should use the "imap" package. I've installed it on my office box without any problems, however when I tried to fetch the mail, specifying the folders to fetch, I got the following error:
fetchmail: mailbox selection failed fetchmail: client/server synchronization error while fetching from my.office.box.name fetchmail: Query status=7 I've tried both: folder Mail/folder1,Mail/folder2 and: folder ~/Mail/folder1,~/Mail/folder2 syntaxes. No one of them works :-(. How should I specify the folder names for fetchmail? -- TIA Wojciech Zabolotny http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab http://www.freedos.org Free DOS for free people!