Greetings -- Just got started with Debian a week or two ago; moved rapidly from slink to frozen, and am now running unstable. After an `apt-get dist-upgrade` late last week or early this week (possibly Sunday?), the handling of dial-on-demand PPP appears to have changed.
The way it was working: after using pppconfig and checking the on-demand option, giving the pon command would start pppd, but nothing else would occur until data needed to be sent. The system would then dial-out, connect, get an IP, the data would go _swoosh_, and all was hunky-dory. This was great; it was almost like being on a real network, if you ignored the dial-in latency. However, about the time of the ppp/ppp-pam suidregister thing, this behavior changed; giving the demand option now appears to require a fixed remote IP, at least according to man pppd (and actually sets that IP to something in the 10.n.n.n net; I'm guessing this is based on some netmask setting somewhere), whereas before this worked with a dynamic remotely-assigned IP. Is it possible to revert to the earlier behavior, and if so, how? Thanks, john. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John S Jacobs Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] \* Genehack: Not your daddy's weblog */ \* <URL:> */