I'm running potato, with a locally compiled 2.2.14

kerneld is installed by potato in the /etc/rcN.d
directories for runlevels 0-5.  When it starts, I
get a message letting me know that "I really don't
want to be running kerneld in a 2.2+ kernel."
I've read through the referenced doc (/usr/src/
linux/Documentation/kmod.txt), and it sounds like
kerneld really shouldn't be running with a 2.2
kernel.  Is this a bug in the potato installer?
Is it safe to remove kerneld?

What's the recommended way to remove kerneld?  I
didn't want to go mucking about in the rdN.d
directories, so I just modified /etc/init.d/kerneld
(which is what the links in the rcN.d directories
point to) to add an 
    echo "kerneld not run for 2.2+ kernel" ; exit
to the beginning.  Is this a suitable way to disable

- Marc

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