>>Linus' own pronunciation of "linux" is not consistent.  I've head
>>him use each of the main pronunciation forms at various times, and
>>often within the same conversation or speech.
>I say we settle it once and for all, and all agree to pronounce it "Fred"!

Exactly, who really cares HOW you say Debian Gnu/Linux ? getting bent over
the pronunciation of a couple of words is, quite frankly, stupid. Really,
who cares, pronunce it Deb-Ian Gu-new Lee-Nooks if you want to, caill it
DEE-bian NEW LEEN-uhcks if you want to. Does it make any difference in the
quality of the software? no, it dosen't, So, untill someone (say Linus)
comes out with an authoritative pronunciation, could we just leave this
alone and get back to improving the operating system we ALL know as Linux?

yours, yowlin' and howlin'

[1]really, who cares, as long as we all know wehat we're talking about.
Just Don't call it Fred, then nobody'll know what we're talking about.[2]

[2]as long as we don't call it Red Hat :)=)

Matthew Navarre                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Look out honey, 'cause I'm usin' technology...

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