On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 04:28:45PM +1100, James Buchanan wrote:
> Hi,
> When I run `startx' I would like afterstep to run, and I would like a menu
> giving me a list of all the window managers/desktop environments that I can
> run.  How do I tell startx to run afterstep by default?  
Create or edit your ~/.xinitrc:

exec afterstep

I dont know if "afterstep" is the right afterstep binary, but after "exec" there
should be a path to the windowmanager executable.

> I have done `man
> startx'  but it's all incomprehensible gibberish to me!  :-(  I did look at
> xinitrc but again, I can't read shell scripts.  None of it looks obvious to
> me unfortunately.  Oh yes, apparently Gnome is installed, but how do I run
> it?
the same way, but here the executables name is different:

exec gnome-session

Maybe my .xinitrc can help you any further:
#exec gnome-session
exec wmaker
#exec /tmp/bin/wmaker
#exec fluxbox
#exec kdeinit
#exec blackbox
#exec enlightenment
#exec e17
#exec esd &
#exec /opt/garnome/bin/gnome-session


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