Well I spoke too soon! I finally got dselect going and actually installing files, only to come back an hour later and find the machine frozen solid. If anyone can help me determine what went wrong I would appreciate it.
Background info: I have a Mac IIci with 48megs of RAM and a 700meg hard drive partitioned so: 100megs root, 550megs usr, 50 megs swap. I picked a basic (I think 405 meg) profile for installation and set dselect to work. Here is what was on the monitor when I found the system frozen: Unpacking libc6-develop (from.../ libc6-dev_2.0.7.19981211-6.deb) scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 45082, scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0, write(6) 04 2b 3d 02 00 scsi0 : aborting command scsi0 : destination target 1, lun 0 command = Write (6) 04 2b 32 02 00 NCR380 : coroutine is running. STATUS_REG : 00 BASR : 0a, ATN ICR : 02, ASSERTATN MODE : 100 scsi0 : REQ not asserted, phase unknown. NCR5380 core release = 7 Base Addr : 0x00000 io_port : 50f10000+RQ : 19. NCR5380 : coroutine is running scsi0 : no currently connected command scsi0 : issue_queue scsi0 : destination target 1, lun 0 command = 10 (0x 0a) 04 2b 3d 02 00 SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 1 lun 0 return code = 50000 scsi disk I/O error : develop 08:14, sector 56926, absolute sector 273213 scsi0 : wee - reselected after selection complete! - The fist thought that occurs to me is: does dselect know enough to put files on the usr partition, or did it freeze trying to stuff 400+ megs onto a 100 meg root partition? How does dselect know which files to put on which partition? Or does it know? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Coming up next: attempt number NINE to install this EASY to install system!!! David Kachel