These symptoms are typical Netscape behavior. almost everyone coplains of this sort of thing, yet no one I know has a definitive answer on how to fix them. I've heard alternately that both upgrading and installing older versions of glibc helps also trying differnt versions of netscape is not a bad idea, somepeople have fewer problems with v4.05, personally I use 3.04 for most everything and only switch to 4.x when I must have "advanced features." any way... to sum it all up... Netscape 4.x is a peice of poop, but it's all we have for now...
>>> paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/26/00 11:25AM >>> Netscape has some odd behaviors which I was wondering if anyone here could shed some light upon. 1) whenever I launch netscape, top shows that netscape spawns itself as child process either one or two times. Why does this happen? Is this normal behavior for Netscape? If so, then why is the number of "child" Netscapes not always the same? 2) Whenever Netscape launches more than one "child" netscape, it hangs (for varying amounts of time) before the browser becomes visible on my display. Sometimes it never appears, and my xserver (XF86_SVGA) begins to eat up processor time. Why is this. What is happening here? No other processes seem to be affected. (at least as is apparent from output of top.) 3) Often sites with banner adds will cause Netscape to hang if java and/or javascript is enabled. I do not keep them enabled, but some sites require them for various reasons. Other times this has caused Netscape to dissapear from my display, (crash?) but Netscape continues to run in the backround and begins to eat up processes and memory. Once this happened and a mysterious symbolic link appeared in the home directory I was using before I could shut down Netscape. (this happened somewhere in the domain Are there hostile Java applets? Javascripts? How can I continue to use Netscape while minimizing security risks? (If there are security risks associated with Netscape 4.7) Thanks in advance for any response to this oh-so-lame post. If it is any help, I am running Slink (Debian 2.1r5) on a home system connected to the internet through a dialup connection. Kernel version is 2.0.36. -ptw- -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null