Hi, I reinstalled Debian and want to go with Gnome instead of KDE, but am having trouble apt-getting it. All the Gnome stuff seems to be missing or broken on the frozen and potato and unstable trees of http://http.us.debian.org/debian (I've tried all three). Whenever I try to install any of the packages, I get some paragraphs about why it might be missing or it might have been moved and stuff like that, and then the dependences are listed like this: Depends: NAME_OF_PACKAGE but it is not going to be installed
Is it just http.us.debian.org or are all the mirrors like this? It's been happening since around 10pm yesterday (Friday). -- Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727 B Grafyx http://www.bgrafyx.com Join AllAdvantage.com and get paid to surf the Web! http://www.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=ARD582