I am in need of a networking solution that fulfills the following
requirements.  Keep in mind I know next to nothing about wireless

1) Must be able to function over a distance of 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30
meters) indoors (this means transmitting through walls and one or two
2) Low latency (say, 5-20 msec) and bandwidth at least 100 Kbit/sec.  I
need to be able to play Unreal Tournament over this. :}  Creative network
engineering might be able to get me by with a lower performance device,
but I'd just as soon have the flexibility.
3) Works with Linux, it is ok if it does so via native drivers or via
connecting to an ethernet adapter.  It should work with Windows too, but I
assume everything does.  Unfortunately, a USB-oriented setup won't do.
The choices are PCI, ISA, or Ethernet.
4) Would prefer if it was capable of operating on battery power, or if it
is at least capable of connecting to battery powered transceivers.  This
is optional, but it would still be nice.  It's ok, but not required, for
the battery powered device to be a PCMCIA card.
5) I like things I can go buy at a retail outlet, rather than having to
order them.  I need to get the right thing when I want it more than I
need the 5% or so cost savings.  Especially if I have to order them from
someplace that takes forever to send them.

Other than these, lower cost is better.

A device that functions over power or telephone wiring might do in a
pinch, but I'd really prefer one that just goes through the air.

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