Howard Mann wrote:

> > Okay, I've struggled with this for two days, and tried to find
> > the answer myself to avoid adding traffic to the list, but no go.
> >
> > I've just installed Debian for a friend on his Gateway P5-120
> > upgraded to P5-180. It has a 1MB Cirrus 5446 card in it.
> >
> > When I start X, I get a double-image, one atop the other (imagine
> > squeezing your monitor's image to half-height, then making a
> > xerox copy of it, then placing them so the bottom edge of the top
> > image touches the top edge of the bottom image).
> >
> I suggest you try the following :
> 1. Upgrade XFree86 to the latest version via, 
> using apt-get

Did that just after posting my messages.

> 2. Read : for options you may have 
> to include in the XF86Config file.

Did that several times over the past couple of days.

> 3. Specify the XF86_SVGA x -server when you configure X.

Did that.

> Cheers,
> Howard Mann.

Thanks anyway. I finally just pulled the card and replaced it with another old 
1MB card I had lying around. The
thing works great now! (I think I've developed a bad attitude toward Cirrus 

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