Well, I'm pulling out of the mailing list, but I
wanted to leave you all with the results of what I
discovered after playing around with my settings on my
computer and such.

    I found that no-way-no-how will Linux boot from
the floppy drive on my PS/1 Consultant (486 based)
computer, but it will boot and install from the Hard
Drive just fine and dandy.  I had to do an install
from a DOS partition in order to install it on my
system and then discovered that the packages I need to
get it running on my system exceeded the amount of
space on my Hard Drive that I was willing to use.  So,
I removed it and this is why I am pulling out for now.

    There are no BIOS settings that can be changed to
eliminate this problem on this computer and I have no
idea why it won't boot from only the floppy drive.

    I would like to thank you all for what little
input and help was given to me on this problem and
hope to try this again sometime in the near future.


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