On 19 Jan 2000, Lars Weber wrote:

Hi Lars.
> David Teague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > A GRUB floppy won't boot my old system which has a 486/66, 16 MB
> [...]
> I've heard that older versions of GRUB are having problems with ext2
> file-systems created by recent versions of the e2fsprogs.  

This is Debian 2.0, so the version of e2fs is not recent.

> As you say that you have reinstalled your system, you might want
> to try a newer one (I don't know when exactly this has been fixed
> - I'm using 0.93.1 which works fine). 

This is the GRUB off a Dec 30 1999 snapshot of Potato, right off the
server. I'll check the version, but I suspect it is quite recent.
> > I thought that grub understood ext2 file system and could
> > thereby avoid the 500MB/1024 cylender problem. Can this  
> > be wrong?!?
> It's right, but only if you are using LBA.

No LBA on this 1Gig drive, it is scsi. I got whatever Adaptec 2840
gives me.  Can I change geometry in some way?

It looks like I'll have to save my data, make a small boot partition
where I'll put the kernel, and reinstall. It WILL be Potato this
time, dadgummit. 

Many thanks.

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                 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

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