Quoting Brian May ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> ii  mutt            0.95.3-0.2     Text-based mailreader ...
> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 00 12:59:30 +1100
> Most programs recognise "00" as the year 2000 (eg Gnus). Not mutt
> though - it displays the same entry as:
>  188   * Feb 16 Ger Vloothuis   (   0) Y2K roll call
> How can mutt get so confused it replaces 10 Jan with 16 Feb???

It's actually completely screwed up; the year is 2036 though
you can't see it. It will only handle years 1970 through 2038
correctly. 0 and 1 catch it out and produce this screw-up,
most other dates seem to make it choose a different source
than the Date: header (after all there are plenty to choose from).


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