[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul) wrote:
>Please copy to this email address as fetchmail is now down as well so
>I`m using Netscape on another email account to my   mailing list


>I`ve just tried to install fidogate and inn, with a lot of error
>messages which I hope I`ve sidestepped for the present, but now when
>running fidonetconfig it says "/usr/sbin/fidogateconfig: Please install
>innd!: command not found"
>Problem is i managed to install inn and ps aux shows innd as a running
>process(if that`s the right term):
>"news     20553  0.0  4.5  7936 2128 ?        S    21:13   0:00
>/usr/lib/news/bin/innd -p7 "
>Has anyone got any experience with fidogate and could help me out, this
>is way over my head!

/usr/lib/news/bin isn't normally on the PATH, which might be the
problem. You could either put it on the PATH with 'export
PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/news/bin' (but if fidogate itself, as well as its
configuration program, needs it then you might have to do a lot of
fiddling), or you could symlink /usr/sbin/innd to

(Debian inn doesn't normally install the daemon itself to
/usr/lib/news/bin. I take it this is a self-compiled package?)

Colin Watson                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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