I recently got a new 13G hard drive. I've installed it as hdb, and moved my CD-RW to hdc. At the moment I've got a 6G drive with 2G for WindowsNT, 100M for /, 1G for /home and 2G for /usr. I really need more room for both /home AND /usr, but I also need more space for /var and /opt and some others. I would like to make several partitions and use them to my best use, I just wanted to get some recommendations from the Expert/Experienced before I partitioned this drive. I also would like to have a few partitions set aside for CD images as I hope to start selling Software on CD as well.
Right now my box is Slink with several Potato things installed. I plan to do a full upgrade as soon as Potato settles down after the freeze. I use it mainly for myself, but my Daughter has an account and as soon as I can get StarOffice installed, I'll be setting up an account for the wife as well. I recently got lxdoom installed and working with the .wads from my 3-CD set, and finally got Netscape installed from the .deb rather than netscapes own package. I'm still learning quite a bit, but I'm getting to the point where I feel I can tell the wife that it's stable for general family use. Once I can get everything we need running in Linux, I'll wipe the WindowsNT partition. My daughter also has a PC with Window95 for games and such, but I also want to set this up as another terminal in the future. SO: With 13G to play with, what partitions should I make and approximately how should I divide them up? I realise there are as many answers as people with PC's, I just want to get a general feel for how big I should make what partitions. Thanks for your help. Cheers, John Gay