Hi again!

Allright, now I finally got my sb live soundcard working (debian
kernel-image installs take all the pain out of kernel-upgrading) I
thought it would be cool if I could get it to autoload when booting,
so that I won't have to do su & modprobe manually every time. So
started looking for rc.local (yes, I am an ex-redhatter), then
remembered that debian uses a different startup routine. After having
read the dox on sysvinit I'm still stumped though. Where do I put
stuff that I want executed once and exactly once on boot? rc.boot
seems like good candidate, but I don't want to mess with startup stuff
that I don't know anything about.

Then for my next question: my motherboard have some fancy
power-management features. Is it possible to turn the power off with a
command (kinda like win95 does when shutting down)? When I do 'halt' I
still have turn the power off manually. This is no big deal, but it
would be nice.


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