(since I wasn't previously subscribed to the
mailing list, I can't see anyone's responses.  So, I
am re-sending this message, but with more details.)

     I am doing a first-time installation on my
computer (detailed below) and it hangs when booting to
the installation program.  The message it leaves is
"Loading root.bin ..." and then it just hangs with the
drive still running, but doesn't do anything else even
after 30 minutes or more.  I have re-downloaded and
re-imaged the Rescue disk at least 4 times already and
I still get the same result.

     My computer system is an IBM PS/1 Consultant with
a 486sx/25MHZ processor.  It has 14MB memory with two
floppy drives (1-3.5" and 1-5.25") and a 450MB Hard
Drive with nothing else to be installed on it although
Win95 is on it, but I plan to re-format with Linux. 
If you would like any additional information about the
system to help me with this problem. I will endeavor
to get the answer.


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